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Monitors Command Panels

Caccialanza can supply any type of command and control panels for monitors installation or for combined fire fighting systems.
The standard supply voltage is 400V 3 Phases 50 Hz (for integrated standard panels 230V single phase 50Hz), but different voltages and frequencies can be supplied as well as DC versions for truck mounting.
Every panel can be supplied as a standard in execution for outdoor mounting with protection degree IP54 or in explosion proof execution Eexd/I for hazardous areas.

Basically the complete range is subdivided in following model families:
- integrated standard A2 panels for A1 and A2 monitors
- integrated standard A6 panels for A3, A4, A6 and A8 monitors
- standard modular panels
- custom designed electronic or electromechanical command and control panels
- fully electronic LKS6 integrated computer operated command and control panels
